Hello, We are glad you want to contact us.  Due to robots and spam creators we have had to disable our contact us form.  The best way to contact us is through email as we check it often during the day and even into the evening.  Our email address is themanrogear @ G mail dot com.  Please state what you are looking for in the subject line.  In the body please give as much information as possible so that we can give you the best reply possible.  No need to be vague in your email as we are like you and we want to make the best product for your needs.  

If you call us please be advised that we are never near the phone.  We do have voice mail, but again please leave a detailed message as to why you called and what we can do for you.  Messages that are on the line of just your name and phone number probably won’t get a call back.  Again if you want us to call you please leave your first name and a detailed message of what you are looking for.  Also please don’t forget your best contact phone number so that we can call you back in a day or two. 

Thank you for understanding and we hope to hear from you soon with your custom requests.


themanorgear at gmail dot com



Leather Naturally’s Manor Gear